A trademark is a unique word, symbol, or sign that is used to identify a company’s product. In India, trademark registration was established in 1940 and now administers the trademark act 1999. The main objective of registration is nobody will copy your trademarks against your goods. Trademark Registration is valid for 10 years and after it can be renewed.
Importance of Trademark Registration online in Delhi
o It helps our product to make it unique from others.
o The customer identifies our product easily.
o It keeps us safe from copied and fraudulent products.
o It makes our customers loyal to our product.
o It gives detail you all fixed and intangible assets
o It helps us to invest in shares and mutual funds.
Documents Required for Online Trademark Registration in Delhi
· Applicant’s Name, address, and nationality
· Applicant’s Business name and Objective
· Copy of company’s Logo name
· Address’s proof (like pan card, Aadhar card, driving license)
· Passport Size photograph of the company’s owner.
The procedure of Online Trademark Registration in Delhi
Trademark Search: The first step for trademark registration is to search. Before registering, conduct a thorough search of the available government databases.
Identify the Class: After the search, the next move is to identify the class. There are various classes defined like classes 1-34 are defined and 35-45 define the services. An Applicant has to identify the class under which the trademark is registered.
Trademark Application Filing: After completing the above 2 steps, the applicant now fills in the trademark application. A trademark application is of 2 types: manual or e-filing. By manual, the applicant has to fill in the required details and documents and give them by hand to the trademark registration office. After that, the applicant will have to wait for 20 days for the acknowledgment receipt. For E-filing, the applicant has to submit all related documents online at a government website. After verifying all the documents, they give the acknowledgment slip/recipe immediately. The application has been eligible for the use of”TM ".
Verification of the Trademark Registration: Now the registrar will check your TM and other related documents. Once they have completed their verification and discovered that no other brand or logo is available against your TM, they move your application further. For this step, we want you to use the peculiar word for TM
Trademark journal Publication: This is the most important step in trademark registration. The registrar now publishes your TM in the Indian trademark journal. If there is no opposition by the third party within 3 months from the date of publication, the registrar now moves your application to the trademark registration certificate.
If there is any opposition/objection against your TM within the next three months, then the registrar will give you the official copy and the applicant has to reply within 2 months. If the applicant does not provide any clarification, their application can be rejected.
Issue of Registration Certificate: After completing all the above processes, the registrar will issue a trademark registration certificate. Now the applicant can use the TM. The certificate is valid for 10 years. After 10 years, the applicant has to renew the trademark registration.